Just perfect for a hot, dry day!
(Nestle's vanilla flavoured Drumstick)
Go for a walk, eat your favourite food, get a haircut, cry if you need to, read a book, take a vacation, have a drink, do what you need to do.
Take care of yourself because at the end of the day, you're all you've got!
(Courtesy of "The Storyteller")
It looks quite simple but okay with me because I don't want too much meat. This set has Joo Hu Char (top left), fried French beans and a few prawns fried in tamarind, not forgetting some sambal hidden under the rice! It was a good change from my usual Sunday brunch which I get from a veg outlet. This shop also sells nasi lemak, chicken pies, custard puffs, apple pies and cakes. I may drop by more often in the future!
Just something I saw on my recent trip to Da Nang. I had just cleared the Customs and was about to walk away when I saw nearby a huge container of .... guess what .... scissors! They were all sizes and colours and it suddenly occurred to me that they must have been confiscated from travellers who had smuggled them into their bags despite knowing the restrictions. I wish I had taken a photo of it. It will serve as a handy reminder when I next travel!
I was recently bitten by the travel bug again and this time it sent me to central Vietnam for five days. I had an exciting time seeing many different places, enjoying nice food and comfy hotels. These old legs of mine did a lot of walking and luckily did not collapse! Unfortunately as everyone knows, one of the perils of travelling is an upset tummy. I was down with diarrhea for two days on my return. I can't identify the cause - perhaps the food on the plane, or the tea we drank when we went for a foot massage or was it the ice cream we had. Whatever it was, I don't have any regrets about going on the trip ... am looking forward to my next trip wherever TB (travel bug) wants to take me! And of course I shall be extra careful of what I eat!
I forgot to mention a delightful act of Vietnamese courtesy at Da Nang airport. We were early at the checkin counter and the day had not begun yet. The MAS staff were already there (all Vietnamese I think) and when they were ready to begin work, they all lined up in front of their respective counter and bowed to us passengers, then went back to their positions. How sweet that was! I had been to Vietnam a few times before and this was the first time I had seen this done!
Our local guide told us that there is a saying in their country which goes something like this: You come to our country as a tourist but you leave our country as a friend." I don't know about my fellow travellers but I was indeed touched by these lovely words.
"Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.”
~Oprah Winfrey ~
May the glow of the moon light your way to good health, happiness and prosperity!
PS. Enjoy your mooncakes!😋