Saturday, June 20, 2015

A Dog's Life

This is one of my favourite stories from the book "Good? Bad? Who Knows?" by Ajahn Brahm.

A woman returning from a shopping trip, opened the door of her suburban home, out of seemingly nowhere, a big dog rushed past her into her house.  By the time the woman had put her shopping down, the dog was curled up in a corner of a quiet room, fast asleep.  The dog was a Labrador, it had a collar on and was well groomed.  So it was certainly not a stray.  The kind woman liked dogs, especially this one, so let it stay.  After about two hours, the dog woke up and the woman let it out.  The dog then disappeared.

The next day, the dog returned to her house.  So she let it come inside again.  The dog went to the same quiet corner, curled up and went to sleep for another two hours.

After this same pattern repeated two or three more times, the woman began to wonder where this lovable dog lived and why it kept coming back to her house.  So she wrote a note, folded it and placed it under the Labrador's collar.  The note said something like:

Your dog has been coming to my house every afternoon for the past five days.  All it does is sleep quietly.  It is such a lovely, good natured dog that I don't mind.  I just wonder whether it lives and why it keeps coming.

The next day the dog returned to sleep in its corner but with another note tucked into the collar.  The reply read:

My dog lives in a noisy house with my nagging wife and four children, two of whom are under five.  He comes to your house for some peace and quiet and to catch up on his sleep.  May I come too?

Hope you're laughing!

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"God gives us a pencil for the book of life but He alone holds the eraser."