Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Rain Rain Go Away

This morning when I went to the market, I had to do two rounds before I finally found a parking lot.  It was under a tree and just perfect, so I thought, as it would provide shade for my car.  Feeling elated, I zoomed into the lot before anyone could get to it.  Then just as I was ready to get down, the sky darkened, a strong wind started blowing and drops of rain began to fall.  I was horrified when the wind grew stronger and I heard small branches and twigs from the tree fall on top of my car!  Fearing that a big storm was on its way, I decided to get out of that lot quickly. Trees had been uprooted in the past during such storms and I certainly didn't want a tree to topple on top of my car!  I managed to find an empty lot further down the road, without any tree nearby, and I sat for a while in my car, hopeful that I could do my marketing after the rain stopped.  However, nature was against me. The rain started pouring in torrents and I was unable to get out of my car.  I sat there watching people run for shelter while some stall owners hung on to their stalls, afraid they might be blown away.  Finally I decided it was best to head for home.  There is an old Chinese proverb which goes "Rain before seven, clear before eleven".  In this case, it was "Rain before ten, clear before eleven."

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"God gives us a pencil for the book of life but He alone holds the eraser."