Sunday, May 7, 2023

Eat, Drink and Be Merry

A family gathering is always fun and enjoyable, especially when they come from different parts of the country.  The lunch that we had recently was in memory of my cousin's late parents and was preceded by a memorial mass in a church.  My cousin told us to enjoy ourselves because that would be what her parents would have wanted.  The restaurant that we went to had been their favourite for years and the chief waitress there knew by heart each dish that they liked. It was good to see our relatives again, some of whom I haven't seen for umpteen years and it is not surprising that many have aged, maybe because the Covid lockdown had taken its toll on them.  We spent more than two hours eating and exchanging good and not so good news and I was indeed very grateful to my dentist who managed to get my new denture out in time for this occasion!  So apart from being able to chew all that delicious food, I could grin like a Cheshire Cat for the shutterbugs!  My cousin told us that her parents had three maxims in life: "Don't cry when they're gone, be happy and always have a good "makan"!"  I hope they were happy to see all of us together and may they both enjoy an eternity of peace and joy wherever they may be!

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"God gives us a pencil for the book of life but He alone holds the eraser."