Saturday, June 22, 2024

Xiamen: Expisode 5 - 再见 China!


There are a few memorable sights which we had the good fortune to see and I shall attempt to describe them.

Xiangzi Bridge 

This is an ancient bridge which crosses the Han River east of Chaozhou, Guangdong Province.  It spans 517.95 metres and walking along it was quite an experience as it seemed like it was never going to end!  There are 24 pavilions on the bridge and it seems to be a popular recreation place for the locals who were taking pictures or just watching the crowd go by.  Our guide told us that if you go to Chaozhou without visiting this bridge, you cannot say that you have been to Chaozhou!

Ming and Ching Dynasty Ancient Street

Walking down this street made me feel like I was going back in history and I actually expected to meet some of those men with long pigtails and long robes strolling along with their concubines!  The remains of the shops have been preserved well and now you can find food and souvenirs there.  Unfortunately my pictures did not turn out well, so nothing to show here.

Sea Train

We were excited to experience China's first cross-sea high speed railway in Zhangzhou, though we only rode from one station to another, which took something less than ten minutes! I was hanging on so tightly that I couldn't take out my phone and snap some pictures!

We ended up in Xiamen on the 8th and last day of our tour.  I forgot to mention that we had time to see an open air cultural show, a circus and also had a barbecue with fireworks after dinner.  It was an enjoyable trip with good hotels and good food (see below) though our inability to speak or understand Mandarin was a great disadvantage but I must congratulate the tour guide for his efficient arrangements, not forgetting his patience and good nature!

Someone said that travelling to China is the "best medicine".  I couldn't agree more!

Some pictures of the lovely food we had .....😜

We thought this was the Chinese version of "roti canai" 
but it turned out to be a dessert.  Tasted sweet
and buttery.
Top: Abalone
L-R: Braised pork, spring rolls, herbal chicken soup, prawns
                                                                                                                    再见 till next time, China!

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"God gives us a pencil for the book of life but He alone holds the eraser."