Sunday, June 28, 2015

Ribbons in Our Hair

Whilst rummaging in the cupboard again, I came across a few old family photo albums. Pa loved playing with his Kodak cine camera in his days and took photos whenever he could. Oh how funny we looked in our younger days.  We (my sis and I) were tall and skinny but Mum made sure we were always well dressed. We had ribbons in our hair and bouncy petticoats under our dresses. Every Chinese New Year was a treat for us as Mum would call the tailor to the house and we would thumb through pattern books excitedly, telling Mum the pattern which we wanted for our dresses. Sometimes sis and I had identical dresses. How fun it was in those days!

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"God gives us a pencil for the book of life but He alone holds the eraser."