Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Remembering God

When we were young, Mum used to chastise us for not praying. "You remember God only when you want something or when you're in trouble!" she scolded.  Well, it was true that when we wanted a new doll or when the car broke down and we couldn't go anywhere, we would turn our eyes heavenwards and murmur a prayer.  We couldn't understand why Mum spent so much time in front of the altar mumbling prayers and turning the rosary in her hand.  Besides the Buddhist mantras she uttered were too complicated and difficult to pronounce as they were in Pali. Several times a year, we would follow her to the temple to "pray" but it seemed she was the only one doing the praying! And the prayers were always for us, never for herself.  Bless you, Mum!

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"God gives us a pencil for the book of life but He alone holds the eraser."