Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Christmas Memories

Christmas is always full of such lovely memories.  That's why it's my favourite time of the year.  When I was small, we had our own little Christmas tree which Mum took out lovingly every year.  She decorated it with angels, baubles and stars and placed cotton wool on the branches to make them look like the tree had snow on it.  After Christmas was over, she would wrap up everything carefully in newspaper and keep it in our storeroom.  I always felt a little sad when our tree is put away and I couldn't wait for the year to pass by so that it could be brought out again!  Then there were the Christmas lunches we had at a restaurant on the beach famous for its spring rolls, fried chicken and chicken pie.  We looked forward to Pa taking us there which he never failed to do.  And he would also treat us to ice cream and ice kachang at our favourite shop in town.  These are some of the happy memories which will always live on in my heart even though Mum and Pa have both long gone to live with the angels.

Read more in www.nonyalife.blogspot.com

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"God gives us a pencil for the book of life but He alone holds the eraser."