Monday, December 7, 2015

Home at Last

After a week in hospital of cold and sleepless nights, I'm relieved to be back home.  I've just had enough of  Paracetamol and endless blood tests - in fact, I'm convinced I don't have any blood left!  There's really no cure for The Big D though some people swear that drinking the juice of papaya leaves helps. So poor sis was scouring our neighbourhood and the nearby kampungs in a frantic search for papaya trees to help me out! The problem was the leaves have to come from a male papaya tree and unfortunately, they're difficult to find!  Anyway, the doc was rather sceptical and didn't encourage me to take it.  Though I haven't been given a clean bill of health yet, I'm feeling better, thanks to my family and friends who have been praying hard for me.  Oh, by the way, and this should not come as a surprise to anyone, I noticed every patient in the hospital no matter how sick had a mobile phone in his hand!  Maybe that's the cure for today's ailments, not papaya leaves.

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"God gives us a pencil for the book of life but He alone holds the eraser."