Wednesday, December 30, 2015

My Twelve Days of Christmas - Pt.1

I've always hoped that one day, I would wake up to find everything outside covered in white snow.  Of course, living in a tropical country, that's impossible.  But the spirit of Christmas still catches on minus the snow and the few days before the big day were critical - shopping, deciding what to cook, what to wear, etc.  Then after a sleepless night due to all the excitement, the big day dawns.  

I woke up early so that I would be in time for Christmas carolling at my spiritual centre.  Lots of people already there when I arrived.  At 10 sharp, we started singing.  Then our friendly Santa (one of our friends) appeared with a bagful of gifts for young and old.  Handphones started clicking.  When everybody had finished, we trooped to the adjoining hall to have refreshments.  Cries of "Merry Christmas" all the way.  I left early because I had a Christmas dinner to attend with the family.

The traffic that evening was horrible; we moved at snail's pace and though we intended to eat at a place near the beach, we had to change our plans and ate at a small restaurant near home instead.  Hardly anybody there - we tucked into our pork chop, chicken cutlet, fish and chips and fried rice in quietness and peace.  

The pace was slower the next day.  Sis wanted to visit a dress shop that had special bargains.  Again, after crawling through tons of traffic, we finally made it there.  We tried a few tops and dresses and we each bought something.  I thought my Christmas shopping had ended but it looked like it hadn't. Then we pushed on to buy some local biscuits and mosquito repellent - for my sis' son who's coming out from London for the Chinese New Year.  We only had lunch at around 2 p.m.

No more shopping, I told Sis but she obviously didn't hear because the next day, we were at a shopping mall - my favourite one near our home.   It was beautifully decorated with Christmas paraphernalia and I could have stayed quietly at home but I just couldn't resist the temptation to go there. Sis seemed to enjoy trudging through the shops.  She bought a bottle of red wine and some imported biscuits for a friend - all at marked down prices.  Thank goodness I didn't buy anything except tea of soya bean milk and snacks when our tired legs screamed for help.  When we finally emerged from the mall, we found to our surprise that it had been raining while we were inside.  The rain had stopped but we were too tired to walk home and took a taxi instead.

Sis had more plans the next day but unfortunately and unexpectedly, she slipped while coming down the stairs in the morning.  The Christmas fairies must have saved her because no bones were broken, she only suffered a couple of bumps on her head.  We put ice on them and after a while, she was back in one piece but decided not to push her luck any further.  

So we all stayed home on the fourth day of Christmas and had a simple dinner.

(To be continued)

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"God gives us a pencil for the book of life but He alone holds the eraser."