Friday, July 1, 2016


I know I have been rather quiet these past few days.  Maybe because I have been caught up in a whirlwind of events. My maid of two and a half years returned home, my cat got cornered by a pack of dogs again and had a narrow escape, I had to spend a few days coaching my new maid (very tiring and trying) and I had to answer an SOS call from my 87 year old aunt when her rice cooker caught fire. I wish I could have sailed through all this unscathed but being a mere ordinary mortal, I was s-t-r-e-s-s-e-d! I hope God will be kind and allow me to r-e-l-a-x now.  Yawn!  Wish me sweet dreams everyone!

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"God gives us a pencil for the book of life but He alone holds the eraser."