Sunday, April 28, 2019

Ah Ngan

Lastly, there was Ah Ngan.  You could say she was my personal amah and took care of most of my needs. She would prepare me for school every day and was always waiting patiently for me at recess time to give me my milk and sandwiches. However, I often tested her patience, being a cheeky, naughty kid.  Mum used to let us kids wear a ribbon in our hair every day and it was Ah Ngan's task to comb my hair and fix the ribbon.  However, I always couldn't sit still every time and wriggled about, making her task difficult.  When she lost her patience, she would knock the comb on my head (fortunately not hard) but one day she was caught in the act by Mum.  Of course Mum was not happy over the incident but whether she scolded Ah Ngan or not, I can't remember.  But I suspect Mum blackmarked her from that day onwards.  

Ah Ngan loved to read (she was one of the few amahs who could read) and when Pa brought us to a bookshop, I would pick up a Chinese storybook or magazine for her.  She would go through them excitedly and tell me what the stories were about.  When my oldest sis got married and had a baby, she requested Mum to let her employ Ah Ngan to help her.  By that time, I was old enough to take care of myself and Mum willingly let her go.  After a few years with sis, Ah Ngan retired from her employment due to ill health but did not return to China. She spent the rest of her life in Penang until her death.

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"God gives us a pencil for the book of life but He alone holds the eraser."