Friday, May 26, 2023

Sounds of Silence


I don't know why but last night was unusually noisy.  I had gone to bed at around 10.30 p.m. and was awakened a couple of hours later by what sounded like someone chopping wood.  Chop, chop, chop, it went.  Very strange for such an activity at this time of night, I thought.  Then the neighbour's dog started barking, it was as though he had seen someone - perhaps the person "chopping wood"?  And he was soon joined by other dogs in the neighbourhood barking their heads off.  Next the noisy backfiring of a passing motorbike followed by the loud blare of a car horn.  Then a lone owl hooted and a stray cat meowed.  More barking by the neighbour's dog.  I wondered what was going on - a street party?  I didn't wait to find out, I pulled my blanket over my head and went back to sleep.

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"God gives us a pencil for the book of life but He alone holds the eraser."