Monday, August 7, 2023

A Waiting Game


Life is really nothing but a waiting game.  We wait for the bus, we wait for the doctor, we wait for a friend, etc. etc.  When I recently went to renew my passport, it was a waiting game taking two and a half hours:

                9.00 a.m.       Waiting to take the queue number

                9.15 a.m.        Number taken, waiting to be called to submit old passport.

                9.45 a.m.        Old passport submitted and new photo taken.

                10.30 a.m.      Payment made for new passport.                

                11.30 a.m.      Yay!  New passport ready!  

And what did I do in-between 10.30 and 11.30?  Well, I just couldn't sit still, so I went upstairs to explore and did some shopping.  Also had a bite and a drink from my lunch box.

So all in all, it wasn't too bad.  There are crowds everyday and two and a half hours is probably the shortest time your passport can be ready!  It was good to see everything computerised which of course lent speed to the whole process and there were helpful security guards controlling the queues.  At one point, the system broke down and the guards were telling everyone to go for lunch!  Luckily they were back on line in a short while, much to the relief of everyone waiting.  I think the Passport Dept. has done well, congrats guys!

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"God gives us a pencil for the book of life but He alone holds the eraser."