Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Haste Makes Waste #2

 Continuing my story "Oops!  Another Blunder!"

I decided to have lunch at the food court and ordered Chee Cheong Fun and some Nonya Kueh which I thoroughly enjoyed.  Whilst halfway through, I saw a long queue at the "Tau Foo Fah" stall and thought it must be good since so many people were waiting for it.  After I finished my kueh, I joined the queue and bought a bowl and was going to bring it to another table when a woman brushed past me.  She was carrying two paper bags of her shopping and it was then I realized that I had left my own paper bag with my shopping at my first table!  I rushed back to get it and fortunately it was still there - safe and sound.  

Yet another lesson to learn from that age old maxim "Haste makes waste!"

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"God gives us a pencil for the book of life but He alone holds the eraser."