Sunday, June 14, 2015

Be Specific

There is this tale of a man who was shipwrecked on an island.  After several miserable weeks of living off the land, the gods took pity on him and sent an angel down to grant him three wishes.  

The hungry man immediately wished for the best food to be laid out before him.  That was easy and his wish was granted.  When he had finished eating, the angel asked him what he would like for his second wish.  The man said he would like the angel to build for him the best house he could in case he had to wait for some time before he was rescued.  That was also easy and so his wish was granted.  

Then the angel asked what the man would like for his last wish.  The man thought to himself that it would be nice if he had a companion, a lady companion, as it was very lonely on the island.  So he asked the angel to find him the best woman to be his companion.  The angel thought for a while, then zap!  there appeared a big, hoary woman - his idea of "best woman".

The moral of the story: always be specific when you ask for something because you never know what you're going to get.

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"God gives us a pencil for the book of life but He alone holds the eraser."