Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Waste Not Want Not

I recently read in the papers about how many thousands of young people have become bankrupt due to their desire for a lavish lifestyle.  This reminds me of an incident that happened years back.  Although things were very, very much cheaper in the old days, Mum was always very frugal.  Once she caught our amah throwing away some rice which she could not finish.  She immediately reprimanded the woman saying that it is the greatest sin to throw rice away, especially when there are thousands of starving people around the world.  She warned her that if the Gods should see her do this heinous deed, the heavens will open and thunder will roll across the sky.  Fortunately for the woman, the Gods did not see her commit this sin and thunder did not roll but she was frightened enough not to throw rice away any more!

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"God gives us a pencil for the book of life but He alone holds the eraser."