Wednesday, July 15, 2015

It's In Your Hands

Once there was a wise old man who could answer any question anyone asked him.  Two young men decided to trick him.  "We're going to fool that old man.  We'll catch a bird and go to the old man and say, "This that we hold in our hands today, is it alive or is it dead?"

"If he says "Dead", we'll turn it loose and let it fly, and if he says "Alive", we'll crush it."

So they caught a bird and carried it to the old man.  "This that we hold in our hands today, is it alive or is it dead?" they asked.

The old man looked at the men, smiled and replied: "It's in your hands."

(Author Unknown)

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"God gives us a pencil for the book of life but He alone holds the eraser."