Monday, March 21, 2016

Cruise Notes - 2

Lunch - our first meal on board.  There was a generous spread of international cuisine at the food court and I was impressed when we were requested to sanitize our hands before entering!  Good move on the part of the cruise management!  Needless to say, the desserts were the best part - oh, such a mouthwatering display and so much to choose from!  After lunch, we decided to explore the ship.  We hadn't the faintest idea where was Forward and where was Aft - we simply stumbled along - maybe we should have done some homework before sailing but who really bothers?  Sometimes we practically walked the whole length of the ship just to return to our stateroom!  But we consoled ourselves it was good exercise!  Shortly after sailing, we had a life jacket drill (compulsory for all passengers).  We could see some bored faces (those who must have sailed many times before) and some tense faces (the first timers). As I watched the demo, I prayed silently that we would never hear the shouts of "Abandon ship!" during our voyage....

(To be continued)

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"God gives us a pencil for the book of life but He alone holds the eraser."