Friday, March 31, 2023

Wise Words


It's always good to hear family news though sometimes it is not always good news.  Recently we received sad news of the passing away of an aunt who was living in Bali.  She was something like 95.  As I recall, she was and always had been an extraordinary woman.  She had good business acumen which led her to start her own fashion business here at a young age before leaving for the States, started another business there, married and settled down.  After her husband died, she chose to leave the States and live in Bali.  She led a rich and fulfilling life of fun, joy, laughter and adventure.  She had touched so many lives including ours and we shall always remember her with much affection.  On her last visit home several years ago before leaving for Bali, I visited her at her apartment and I shall always remember what she said to me - "Always give yourself the best."  Wise words that I shall never forget, thank you, Aunty!

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"God gives us a pencil for the book of life but He alone holds the eraser."